Fabio Rizzo

Fabio Rizzo Fabio Rizzo
Roma (RM)

Iscritto dal
Categoria: Fotografi

Websites: Fabio Rizzo photographer 

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Visualizzazioni profilo: 1707

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Data di nascita: 12/06/1967
Residenza: Roma - RM

Fabio Rizzo was born in Rome in 1967.
He begins the professional activity specialising in social and urban reportage in the 1990’s. With the collaboration of other photographers he set up a photographic studio specialising in ceremonies and photo reproduction of art works. Since 1992 he also offers professional photography to theatrical shows and musical groups. He founded the FUORI FUOCO Association of Photographers coordinating its courses and workshops. He teaches dark room photography in the Fotosciamanna laboratory in Rome. Currently he works as a professional photographer in the industrial and advertising fields.

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